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Customer Testimonials

Read stories from real Riggs Cat customers, and hear where they find value and why they choose to partner with us.

The knowledgeable team at Riggs Cat made it easy to design and build what we needed in both our retrofit and new construction projects. We went with Cat® for the peace of mind it provides – we went with Riggs Cat because they stand by you for the life of your equipment and beyond.

– Tom Dalgle with ArcBest®

We had a very good experience doing business with Riggs Cat, which is why we highly recommend Riggs Cat to others. They definitely stand by their products as far as making sure everything gets up and going. Their service team is excellent!

– Albert Mills with Crossett Water

We had an overall excellent experience purchasing from Riggs Cat – it went smooth and easy. What we like most about Riggs Cat products are the dependability and warranty – those are the two biggest things. The dependability of Cat products is why we choose to do business with Riggs Cat. When comparing costs, competitor pricing is close, but you can’t beat Cat quality.

– Mark Owen with Connect Bank

We choose to do business with Riggs Cat because of their brand reputation, great customer experience and competitive pricing. We highly recommend Riggs Cat to others because they are reliable. If we ever have a problem, they come right down and fix the issue.

– C&L Electric

My overall experience with Riggs Cat was excellent. The staff was very helpful and informative. They are very knowledgeable, on task and worked diligently with us before, during and after we made our purchase. Riggs looks out for your best interest. They don’t try and just sell to you. They listen to your needs and give you options that are best for you and your needs.

– Vonda Evans with the City of Lonoke